比如一个场景:profile_image_url与enlarge_image_url都是微博用户信息返回的字段. 前者是http://tp2.sinaimg.cn/1928431341/50/5621497131/1,后者正常情况是http: //tp2.sinaimg.cn/1928431341/180/5621497131/1, 此时如果修复后者的数据,只需将/50/替换成/180/,只需通过postgres的字符函数解决。
注意, 下页的示例中字符串都是可以用表中的字段替代. 测试函数可以类似 select "char_length"('string'); *标识不常用, 字符串在任何库的函数最主要的不过就是substring, position, length, replace几种,类似于db的CRUD。
函数:string || string
说明:String concatenation 字符串连接操作
例子:'Post' || 'greSQL' = PostgreSQL
函数:string || non-string or non-string || string
说明:String concatenation with one non-string input 字符串与非字符串类型进行连接操作
例子:'Value: ' || 42 = Value: 42
说明:Number of bits in string 计算字符串的位数
例子:bit_length('jose') = 32
函数:char_length(string) or character_length(string)
说明:Number of characters in string 计算字符串中字符个数
例子:char_length('jose') = 4
select "char_length"('string'),"length"('string'); res: 6 6
说明:Convert string to lower case 转换字符串为小写
例子:select "lower"('ABC') =abc
说明:Number of bytes in string 计算字符串的字节数
例子:octet_length('jose') = 4
函数:overlay(string placing string from int [for int])
说明:Replace substring 替换字符串中任意长度的子字串为新字符串
例子:overlay('Txxxxas' placing 'hom' from 2 for 4) = 4
update t_sns_member set enlarge_image_url= overlay(profile_image_url placing '/180/' from position('/50/' in profile_image_url) for 4) where enlarge_image_url=''
update t_sns_member set enlarge_image_url=substring(profile_image_url,0,position('/50/' in profile_image_url))||'/180/'||substring(profile_image_url,position('/50/' in profile_image_url)+4,char_length(profile_image_url)) where enlarge_image_url='';
函数:position(substring in string)
说明:Location of specified substring 子串在一字符串中的位置
例子:position('om' in 'Thomas') = 3
函数:substring(string [from int] [for int])
说明:Extract substring 截取任意长度的子字符串
例子:substring('Thomas' from 2 for 3) = hom
函数:substring(string from pattern)
说明:Extract substring matching POSIX regular expression. See Section 9.7 for more information on pattern matching. 利用正则表达式对一字符串进行任意长度的字串的截取
例子:substring('Thomas' from '...$') = mas
函数:substring(string from pattern for escape)
说 明:Extract substring matching SQL regular expression. See Section 9.7 for more information on pattern matching. 利于正则表达式对某类字符进行删除,以得到子字符串
例子:trim(both 'x' from 'xTomxx') = Tom
函数:trim([leading | trailing | both] [characters] from string)
说 明:Remove the longest string containing only the characters (a space by default) from the start/end/both ends of the string 去除尽可能长开始,结束或者两边的某类字符,默认为去除空白字符,当然可以自己指定,可同时指定多个要删除的字符串
例子:trim(both 'x' from 'xTomxx') = Tom
说明:Convert string to uppercase 将字符串转换为大写
例子:upper('tom') = TOM
说明:ASCII code of the first character of the argument. For UTF8 returns the Unicode code point of the character. For other multibyte encodings. the argument must be a strictly ASCII character. 得到某一个字符的Assii值
例子:ascii('x') = 120
函数:btrim(string text [, characters text])
说 明:Remove the longest string consisting only of characters in characters (a space by default) from the start and end of string 去除字符串两边的所有指定的字符,可同时指定多个字符
例子:btrim('xyxtrimyyx', 'xy') = trim
update property set memorial_no = btrim(memorial_no, ' ') where memorial_no like ' %'
或update property set memorial_no = trim(both ' ' from memorial_no) where memorial_no like ' %'